Friday, December 7, 2007

Holy Buckets!

So I just, now, for the first time, have gotten a second to stop and breathe.
It's been a nutty couple of weeks. The Holiday Market is keeping me mighty busy, as are orders through the site--between the both of them I'm running myself a bit ragged. Call it ragged in a tremendously joyous way; if I'm a little sleep deprived because I'm doing good business, well... who can complain about that?

In the last two weeks we've shipped orders to four different countries and eight states, met Portuguese Water Dogs, Havanese, and a Pharaoh hound owner, though unfortunately not the pooch himself--I've still never seen one in person. It's been quite a run so far, and not halfway over, yet.

On the falconry front, things have pretty much come to a stand-still. The weather's now so bad that even in the spare moments I have to go out trapping, there aren't any birds out hunting. I've more or less spent every spare hour I can scrape together roaming the area and there just isn't anything to be had. After the holidays I'll have more time to take myself to the other side of the state or up to Washington. My trapping permit is good through February, so time's not out yet!

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