Thursday, November 15, 2007

More persistence needed.

Well, everything went exactly as planned, I got there before dawn and set the trap where I expected her to show up, she came exactly to that spot, just after sunrise... and she just wasn't interested. Maybe she'd already eaten by the time she got there, or maybe she was suspicious of the trap--who knows?

Anyway we only saw one other obviously passage bird, threw for it, it made one low pass and then went right back up to its pole. I called Mr. Kellogg for a pep talk and some advice while I was waiting for a bird to not come down. He says passage hawks are a dime a dozen up his way and thinks I should road trip up to WA to pick up my bird. Holiday Market season being on, I'm not sure I could pull it off until after Christmas, but I suppose if I don't have a bird by then it'll be the solution.

Meanwhile I've got a huge stack of gear to rivet and tag and get sorted for the booth, a stack of orders to get out the door, plus have to finish building my wall-hanging displays--ack! Two days left and a million things to do. See ya at the fairgrounds!

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